Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sony Press Conference - Part 1

First off, I’d like to take a second and greet you with a dashing smile and a quick handshake. My name is Josh, and I will be telling you about Sony’s E3 ’09 Press Conference. I know, I know it’s a little late, but I didn’t see anything about it on DBC so here it is.

Kicking things off, Sony announced that they have 364 titles coming out amongst their three platforms. 35 of which will be exclusive. (That’s right PS2 fans, Sony still showing you some love.) I gotta say I’m pretty excited for what’s ahead for the PS3. What’s ahead you ask? Well, I’ll tell ya…

I’ll start things off with a bang and talk about our first glimpse of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Let me tell you, this game looks Be-A-Utiful. Looking from a top a tall city building over everything else below was just mind blowing. Nathan Drake makes his return with a new sexy sidekick for all of us to ogle at. (YES!) In the demo Drake and his compatriot are being hunted by a chopper, of course there are a lot of bangs, booms, and ahhhs as everything culminates into a the collapse of a building that Drake and friend are still trying to escape. Do they make it? Watch and you’ll see. Expect Uncharted 2: Among Thieves to be out sometime this November.

This brings us to the next exclusive title for the PS3, MAG. FPS fans rejoice because I believe this game is going to redefine the way we play objective based multiplayer online upon release. Boasting an impressive 265 online multiplayer online demo at the conference, I cannot wait to see this live. Everything seemed so smooth from issuing commands to landing carefully placed shots between the eyes of the enemy. What gets me is how slow paced the combat is. It’s not like Call of Duty or Halo where you just run and gun. There’s actually a lot of strategy that goes with the gunplay. (Go figure right?) Look for MAG to carpet bomb onto shelves third quarter of this year.

Next up we got a hands-on preview of Assassin’s Creed 2. The game looks killer. We’re playing another one of Desmond Miles’s carefully cloaked (and tastefully clothed if I may) ancestors, Ezio, in Italy during the Renaissance. What I like about the game thus far is that we’re not losing our “assassin powers” this time around. We’d have to learn them in order to lose them if that was the case. Yeah, that’s right. Our protagonist doesn’t really know how to kill people. (WHAT?!?!) Ezio is a wealthy nobleman when we first meet him, and he’ll have to learn from friends how to be a great assassin. Oh yeah, and did I mention one of those friends is Leonardo Da Vinci. Word.

Bringing Part 1 to a close, barely containing the excitement is God of War 3. The game play footage was demoed by none other than the Santa Monica Studio fellas. The demo introduces a couple of new enemies and some interesting button-reactions. Kratos can now grab enemies and use them as a battering ram against its compatriots. Harpies make a return and this time around you can ride them for a short period of time to help reach a distant path or cliff.

What really got me going was the fight with the chimera though. It worked as more of a mini boss fight than anything, but instead of just hacking away and waiting to perform the button sequence to kill it; this guy operates a little bit differently. See after perform the one button shock attack, the chimera changes it’s fighting style depending on what you’ve removed from it. For example: take out the snake tail, it stands on its hind legs and begins to fight you like Mike Tyson on crack. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and the demo ended in typical blockbuster game fashion…with an out of reach release date. March 2010. Deal with it.

That wraps up Part 1 of Sony’s Press Conference. I hope you’ve enjoyed our time together as much as I did.




Baljot S. Bhatti said...

That's a great summary of the Sony press conference - you did miss the megaton of the conference, the announcement of GT Mobile, but man, I am looking forward to all these games you listed!

C-Had said...

im looking forward to the new uncharted got to get a ps3 though but yah i want some kind of platformer that doesnt require a red hat to be worn...

C-Had said...

oh and MAG

C-Had said...

and GOW 3 soo basically im with Baljot lol but looks like the PS3 is finally make its stand with its own exclusives and im happy about that makes me have hope that there will not be a single console to play games on...i like choices

Anonymous said...

Baljot, that's why there's a part 2. I'm covering all the mobile stuff then.