Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do We Really Want Motion Sensing?

Project Natal … are we really ready for you, I mean do we all really want to go from work to sitting on our couch playing games with a controller, or do we really want to come home from work and start playing game like an inhanced paint program and start moving around some more and not play games like Call of Duty, or Halo, or Fable, or Fallout 3. I mean is motion sensing really what we all want? I think that everyone thinks it’s kind of cool for parties and stuff but that’s really about it because I really hate playing Wii Sports by myself. I think Project Natal will be a great feature or accessory but I think Microsoft really needs to think this one through and put their money to their OS and to better quality XBL and to their game studios of course. As for the other companies keep it up but keep making games with controllers too. Please… As Stephen Colbert said about Project Natal “ if a child has a skate board, and has the skill to ride a skate board, no longer has to ride a skate board”


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