Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Left 4 Dead 2: The Return of Angry Fan Boys...

So in recent news from the gaming community, I find out that Left4Dead 2 is what everyone is talking about. I read the forums to see what the people think and I decided to voice out my opinion today. Apparently there is an online petition going on to delay this game’s release. Now I am a little confused here because apparently Valve is a company that likes to take their time on their games. We have to realize though that their games are a great piece of interactive entertainment software in which I love to indulge myself in, but this petition is about delaying the game when people say that Valve takes too long making games and now they want to delay a game that a lot of people are excited to play. Yah I hope you are as confused as I am. Second, and this one really “chaps my hide”, they want it to be free, yah let me say that again, they want it to be FREE! This is because the gaming community believes that there wasn’t enough content release in the first Left4Dead. Plus the fact that Valve has a history of releasing their content at ridiculously great sales boggles my mind. Is it because of this that the people expect Valve to do this, to release a game for free? People, making games is a business not something that we get for free, I mean can you really expect a company to do something like this and not expect to make a profit? I read on the forums all the time “I’m a loyal player of your games” and “I have been playing your games for years”. This is simply the most retarded thing I’ve heard. You mean to tell me that all you play is Valve games and that’s it, nothing else. In which you deserve a free game? I think not, in which case it sounds to me that these people almost think that they should be compensated for playing a game that was GOOD but didn’t have enough content. In which case I then deserve to be compensated by Capcom for Resident Evil 5 oh wait I bought SF IV so never mind… All I am saying is that Left4Dead 2 is a completely new game, that has a completely new way of playing it, in which will be charged full price for and will be released on its own time. I want this game and I am thankful for Valve for making this game and building it up even more so that way I am not stuck playing a modded version like Brainbread… just buy the game people and STFU cause we all know you’re going too anyway.


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