Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sony Press 2 and Idiot Gamers

Sorry for being so late. Work is a killer. Won’t happen again, I swear. Part two of my coverage of Sony’s Press Conference is only going to cover the two things I found the most interesting. The PSP Go, and of course Gran Turismo Mobile.

The PSP Go is a brand spanking new version of Sony’s little handheld the PSP. (duh right?) It does have a few differences of course. (Go on techno-geek. I’m enthralled) Apparently, Sony thought it would be a great idea to make the Go a bit smaller than the original. And when I say smaller, I mean about 50% smaller in comparison. And it doesn’t have a UMD drive. YES, that’s correct, no UMD drive. Instead it has 16 GB of internal flash memory which can be extended more. I guess all the games are going to be downloaded now.

Right on, no more buying used games! Way to ruin game retailer’s business operations. Not entirely sure how the trade in value is going to be handled for this system. Oh well, we’ll see. Now don’t get your panties in a twist if you own a PSP already. They’re not going to just stop supporting the others. (At least the 3000 model)

But, here’s what really makes me hop aboard the rage train. Price tag. $250.00 USD. GTFO. Seriously? I could buy a Wii for that much and get a game to go with it. (Not that I would, that system blows anyway.) I’m hoping for a price drop. You dig?

Anyway, the saving grace after that little episode was the announcement of Gran Turismo Mobile. The game looks great for being on the PSP. The game will feature over 800 cars; roughly 100 more than Gran Turismo 4 as well as the notable addition of Ferrari (a red Enzo Ferrari can be seen in the trailer). Multiplayer is running through Adhoc. Fun.

Now on to my gripe for the day. Idiot Gamers. What does it mean to be a idiot gamer? I’ll clue you in. One who pretends to know what is going on in the video game world, but really has no freakin’ clue. These are the same people who think that Mario is grown up Luigi and that Yoshi is his dog. Seriously now. I had a guy talk to me about Infamous’s multiplayer. *facepalm* Another thing that has me buy my first class ticket to Rage City, is when people ask me about games then shoot down my opinions immediately.

“What did you think off Fable 2?”

“I thought overall is was a pretty decent game, especially for a sequel. Although Molyneux’s ideas sound better on paper. (I did explain he said that himself) I thought it was a pretty solid title all together, it does get a little repetitive. Especially if you’re a mage.”

“Well, I don’t have a next gen system. I’ll tell ya, that game has nothing on Atari. MAAAAAAAAAANNNNN, all these games suck compared to Atari.”

“Ya….because E.T. was so great.”

I wanted to invade his space and pong him right in the pac-mans. Anyway, that’s all I have for now. Until next time.




Nathaniel Koester said...

Did you really have someone say that about the Atari??

Anonymous said...
