Monday, June 22, 2009

My Muscial Sole

Hey all you Bodycounters, it’s time for another meeting between you and I. It’s ok to like it….yeah, just like that. Creepy-ness aside, I actually came to tell you about this A-Mazing band of Swedes, The Radio Dept.. I’ll give you the details first. They’re from Lund, Sweden and the play a style of music known as Shoegazing. (For those of you who don’t know what Shoegazing is, I’ll enlighten you.) Shoegazing is a style of music that first hit the scene in the early 90’s, late 80’s, in which guitar effects were key. So much in fact that because they didn’t move at all during performances, as they were focusing on their effects pedal, the media called them “Shoegazers”.

On to the actual band itself. The Radio Dept. consists of Johan Duncanson, Martin Larsson, and Daniel Tjäder. They’ve released only two albums thus far however; there is a lot of “unreleased” content floating around the interwebz. I’ve fallen in love with this band; the guitars distorted and light, the vocals are barely intelligible. But, it all seems to make sense. Their new album, Clinging to a Scheme is set for a September 2009, release. The second single off it is Freddie and the Trojan Horse. Look them up; I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.




C-Had said...

What type of Genre to they sound most like so I can make some sort of generalized idea of what to expect when i hear them.

Baljot S. Bhatti said...

Dude, I am loving Radio Dept! Thanks so much for the recommendation.