Thursday, May 28, 2009

inFamous - Possibly the best PS3 exclusive we've played?

This Tuesday saw the release of one of the most anticipated titles for the Playstation 3 - inFamous, developed by Sucker Punch, best known for their stellar work on the Sly Cooper (PS2) series, and man, is it amazing.

If you've been living in a cave on Mars with your fingers in your ears, then I'll give you a brief synopsis on the game - you play Cole, an average bike messenger who unknowingly transports a bomb which wipes out half of the city. Rather than killing him, the attack gives Cole electrical powers, which grow ever more powerful. The city is put under military quarantine, and Cole is left on his own to try and clean up the streets of the Reapers, a cult-like gang.

Both Aaron and I have both put in serious time with the game since release, and we're both loving it. Everything about it, from the combat, to the ranking/leveling up, to the acrobatic platforming (that could put Assassin's Creed to shame), the "Karmic" system, is fantastic, well-polished and just presented excellently. Even the story, told through radio conversations and brilliantly animated graphic novel-style sequences, has kept me interested so far.
It is a shame that the PS3 has such a tiny list of exclusives that make the list worth it - thinking hard, I could only come up with 3 - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Metal Gear Solid 4, and now inFamous. From what I've played so far, it seems like Sucker Punch have possibly created the best game for the Playstation 3.

A full review will come soon, but I'm sure that Aaron and I will be posting our thoughts here and there, but until then, I can give this game my full recommendation.

- Baljot

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