Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mass Effect 2 Teaser Trailer - Looking good!

While I can't claim to be the biggest fan of the first Mass Effect (it took nearly a year and half for the game to "grab" me and for me to finish it) I did thoroughly enjoy it once I got over the atrocious vehicular combat and the awful inventory system. The combat was enjoyable, the biotic powers fun to use and the questing and general RPG-ness made me like the game in the end, even when my character did something completely unexpected ("I DIDN'T MEAN FOR YOU TO SHOOT HIM, SHEPHERD!").
ANYWAYS, it appears Bioware has just released an E3 teaser trailer for the sequel and it is looking very good.

And here's the first teaser, in case you haven't seen it.

Plot twists abound!

- Baljot

1 comment:

C-Had said...

I still need to play the first one....