Saturday, July 11, 2009

We're up and live on the iTunes store (well, kinda)!

So we've signed up for the very cool, very new Audioboo service, which is basically like audio Twittering, run by a few dedicated souls in the States. We get to record 5 minute podcasts on our iPhones, and upload them to Audioboo, who in turn have been kind enough to create a podcast on iTunes for us!
While this is not the true podcast, we intend to use Audioboo as much as possible, when we're not all together, and we have a very quick subject to cover. We love the service, and the idea behind it!
Here's the link for our Audioboo podcast, right HERE. Subscribe today!

PS. Don't worry when you click that link, it'll automatically open up your iTunes (or ask you if you want to) and then take you to our page in the iTunes store.

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